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Post-hospital recovery can be a critical and challenging phase for elderly and vulnerable patients. Ensuring a smooth and effective recovery process is essential for preventing readmissions and promoting long-term health.

Home care services play a pivotal role in this transition, offering personalised and professional support that addresses your unique needs.

Here’s how home care can help you get back on your feet after a hospital visit.


Personalised Care Plans

One of the primary benefits of home care is the personalised care plans tailored to each individual. After hospitalisation, you might need:

Home care providers can develop a comprehensive care plan that ensures all medical and personal needs are met. This approach helps you recover more effectively in the comfort of your own home.


Medication Management

Proper medication management is crucial for post-hospitalisation recovery. Mismanagement of medications can lead to complications, delayed recovery, and even readmission to the hospital. Home care providers ensure:


Emotional and Psychological Support

The transition from hospital to home can be emotionally and psychologically challenging. Home care providers offer:

By providing a supportive presence and engaging in meaningful interactions, caregivers can help you cope with the emotional aspects of recovery.


Assistance with Daily Activities

During recovery, you might struggle with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, cooking, and cleaning. Home care providers assist with:

This support helps prevent accidents and injuries, which can be particularly detrimental to recovery. By handling these tasks, caregivers allow you to focus your energy on healing and rehabilitation.


Home care with Westwood

Home care is an invaluable resource in post-hospitalisation recovery. At Westwood Care Group, we offer personalised care, medication management, emotional support, and assistance with daily activities.

We pride ourselves on providing exceptional and compassionate care. We offer home care that is person-centred and tailored to your loved one’s needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you and your family members.

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Food is more than just sustenance in our lives. It’s a source of joy, a medium for expression, and a foundation for community and independence. This is especially true for service users in residential homes.

From garden to table, food is pivotal in nurturing a sense of autonomy and belonging. But how exactly does involvement in food help maintain independence for your loved ones?

Providing independence through crafting menus

Creating weekly and daily menus is an exercise in choice and decision-making. It’s about expressing preferences, discussing nutritional needs, and sometimes, reminiscing about favourite meals from the past. This process does more than just outline meals; it fosters a sense of control and participation in your loved one’s life.

When people contribute to meal planning, they do more than just select dishes. We engage residents in a thoughtful process that considers health, variety, and personal taste. It is empowering to know that their voice counts and that they can influence your diet and contribute to the communal dining experience. This helps maintain independence, reinforcing the idea that everyone has a role regardless of age or abilities.

From plot to plate

There’s something inherently satisfying about growing your own food. This satisfaction is twofold for your loved ones in residential homes. Gardening is a form of therapy, a physical exercise, and a way to connect with nature.

At Westwood, we offer access to a vegetable plot. When service users get involved in gardening, it instils a sense of responsibility and accomplishment.

The fruits (and vegetables!) of their labour don’t just end up in their meals; they become a tangible representation of their effort and a topic of conversation among peers and staff. The connection between the work done in the garden and the food served at the table strengthens the understanding and appreciation of food, encouraging healthier eating habits and a deeper respect for nature.

Nourishing minds and bodies: The role of staff training

Behind every menu and garden plot, there’s a team of dedicated staff members who understand the importance of food and nutrition in maintaining independence. Through comprehensive training, our staff are equipped with the knowledge of dietary needs and the skills to facilitate your loved one’s involvement in food-related activities.

This training ensures that mealtime and gardening adhere to nutritional guidelines and create an environment where service users feel valued and heard. Our staff’s understanding and support are crucial in making food an avenue for maintaining independence.

Residential care with Westwood

Involvement in food-related activities is about making choices and seeing those choices come to life, whether on a plate or in a garden plot. This involvement goes beyond the physical aspects of food; it’s a recipe for maintaining independence, a reminder that every person has a valuable contribution.

At Westwood Care Group, service users are actively involved in deciding and participating in preparing weekly menus and daily meals, just as they would be in any family environment. We also have a vegetable plot so our residents can engage in gardening activities.

We pride ourselves on providing exceptional and compassionate care. We offer Residential care that is person-centred and tailored to your loved one’s needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you and your family members. 


If you want to begin a career in care, where you will receive exceptional training, look at our job vacancies.

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Social isolation and loneliness can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental and physical health, and these issues are particularly prevalent among individuals living in care homes. Social activities play a crucial role in addressing these issues and improving the quality of life for care home residents in the UK.

One of the primary benefits of social activities is the opportunity for people to interact with others and form meaningful connections. Many individuals experience a sense of loneliness and isolation due to a lack of social engagement, which can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. By participating in social activities, it gives people the opportunity to connect with their peers, share experiences, and form new friendships.

In addition to improving mental health, social activities can also have a positive impact on physical health. For example, regular engagement in social activities has been shown to reduce the risk of developing cognitive decline and dementia in older adults. This is because social activities stimulate the brain and encourage cognitive function, which can help to keep the mind active and healthy.

Also, social activities provide an opportunity for residents to participate in physical activity, which is essential for maintaining physical health and mobility. Many care homes in the UK offer physical activities such as exercise classes, walking clubs, and gardening, which can help to improve physical health and increase overall well-being.

Social activities can also promote a sense of purpose and meaning among care home residents. Many individuals who move into care homes may feel a sense of loss or purposelessness due to changes in their living situation. By participating in social activities, residents can engage in meaningful and fulfilling activities that provide a sense of purpose and help to maintain a sense of identity.

Another important benefit of social activities is the opportunity for residents to learn and try new things. Many care homes in the UK offer a range of activities, such as arts and crafts, music classes, and educational sessions, which can help to broaden residents’ horizons and provide opportunities for personal growth and development.

Finally, social activities can help to improve the overall quality of life for care home residents. By providing opportunities for social interaction, physical activity, and personal growth, care homes can create an environment that fosters happiness and well-being among residents. This can lead to improved quality of life and greater satisfaction with life in general.

To maximise the benefits of social activities, care homes will offer a range of activities that cater to the needs and interests of residents. By consulting with residents, we can determine preferences and interests then adapt activities to suit their individual needs.

It is also important for care homes to ensure that social activities are accessible and inclusive. This may involve providing mobility aids or assistance for residents with physical disabilities or offering alternative activities for residents with sensory impairments or cognitive difficulties.

In conclusion, social activities play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for care home residents in the UK. By promoting social interaction, physical activity, and personal growth, social activities can help to address issues such as loneliness, isolation, and cognitive decline and promote overall well-being and happiness among residents.

At Westwood Care Group and Westwood Support Services, we prioritise the provision of social activities and ensure that they are accessible, inclusive, and tailored to the needs and interests of residents. Contact us today to learn how we can support you and your loved ones.

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Caring for a loved one can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be demanding and emotionally draining. Respite care provides a much-needed break for both the individual and their caregiver, offering a range of benefits that can improve the quality of life for both.


What is Respite Care?

Respite care is temporary care provided to an individual to give their primary caregiver a break. It can take many forms, including in-home care, adult day care, or a short-term stay in a care home. Respite care is designed to be flexible and can last anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks, depending on the needs of you and your loved one.


The Benefits of Respite Care for the individual

Respite care provides seniors with a change of scenery, new experiences, and the opportunity to socialise with others. This can be especially beneficial for people with chronic conditions or disabilities, who may have limited opportunities for social interaction outside of their home.

In addition to promoting socialisation, respite care can help individuals stay active and engaged. Many respite care programs offer a range of activities, such as exercise classes, arts and crafts, and games, which can help an individual maintain their physical and mental abilities.


The Benefits of Respite Care for the Caregiver

Caring for your loved one can be physically and emotionally demanding, and respite care provides a much-needed break for caregivers. In addition, taking time for yourself can help reduce stress, improve your overall well-being, and increase your ability to provide quality care to your loved one.

Respite care can also allow caregivers to catch up on tasks or activities that may have been neglected while caring for their loved one. This includes running errands, taking care of personal business, or enjoying some leisure time.

Caregivers need the opportunity to recharge and refresh. Taking time for yourself can help reduce feelings of burnout and prevent caregiver fatigue, which can negatively impact your ability to provide quality care to your loved one.


Making the Most of Respite Care

When choosing respite care, it is essential to consider the needs and preferences of both the individual and their caregiver. Here are some tips for making the most of respite care:

  1. Choose the right type of respite care: think about the needs of the individual and their caregiver. Also, consider the preferences of the person and their caregiver, as well as the level of care needed, when making a decision.
  2. Communicate with the respite care provider: Before beginning respite care, make sure to communicate with the provider about the needs and preferences of the individual and their caregiver.
  3. Take advantage of the activities offered: Many respite care programs provide a range of activities designed to promote socialisation, physical activity, and mental stimulation.
  4. Make the most of the time apart: For the caregiver, respite care provides an opportunity to recharge and refresh. This can help improve your overall well-being and increase your ability to provide quality care to your loved one.
  5. Stay connected with the individual: While your loved one is in respite care, it is important to stay connected with them. Regular phone calls or visits can help maintain your bond.

Westwood Care Group and Westwood Care and Support Services offer respite care to provide a much-needed break for both you and your loved one. Contact us today to find out how our respite services can improve the quality of life for both of you.

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The winter season is often a time people are at higher risk of illness and injury. One study found that falls on ice can lead to an increased likelihood of hospitalization among the elderly.We have a long winter ahead of us so it is important for seniors to stay covered, warm and safe. Many of our safety tips can keep you prepared for the colder months such as staying hydrated, eating nutritious food and keeping active.

Older people are less able to regulate their body temperatures and feel the cold more. A slower metabolism also contribute to this experience. A drop in blood flow to extremities can leave people feeling colder.

They’re your grandparents, you know they’ll be looking forward to this. We may live in a temperate country but winter still gets more people than the more milder summer months, even when heat waves are taken into account.. Pre-pandemic data from the Office for National Statistics shows that there were an estimated 23,200 excess deaths in the winter of 2018-19, with respiratory illnesses cited as the leading cause.

A study from the CDC has found that there were an excess of 23,200 deaths in the recent winter of 2018-19. The leading cause was respiratory illness.

It’s important in the winter to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Doing so can help reduce the risk of catching a virus.Warming up in winter is a daunting task for the elderly. This is exactly why we’re creating this article to offer some advice on how you can do that, as well as avoiding falls in ice and snow.


There are two ways to stay warm during winter. One is by heating your home and the other is through clothes that keep you all nice and cozy! Check out the article below for all of the info you need.


To save money during winter months, it’s important to only heat the rooms in your home that you’re using. Elderly people may want to consider this as the price for natural gas and other heating sources is rising–especially for homes with no insulation.

Increasing energy bills can be tough, but it’s always good to have some options. Showers may feel more invigorating at first, but taking baths and washing your clothes less can save a lot of water.

If you’re using old-fashioned heating methods, make sure that your windows are closed and you have draught excluders in place to prevent cold air from coming in. Long-term, for retaining property values, consider installing double-glazed windows or low E Insulation. Loft insulation is a natural way to reduce the spread of heat through your loft, preventing the rooms below from cooling down so much. The savings it generates mean that installing Loft insulation can often be worthwhile quite quickly.


Tips on how to keep warm this winter should also include how to keep your body warm. That includes plenty of hot water, a strategically placed radiator for walking past and plenty of high-quality quilts. For example, using blankets and hot water bottles alongside your central heating may mean that you can turn your thermostat down by a couple of degrees. This could also help you save money on your heating bills.

A higher tog duvet should also be a good choice – a 13.5 tog quilt should be sufficient during winter, while 15 is even better all around. However, electric blankets have some disadvantages too. They can be a fire risk if you forget to turn them off and they also consume a lot of power.

It can get cold when you’re outdoors so make sure to layer up- wearing several layers will trap in your body’s heat. If it’s not enough, you could also wear thermal vests and leggings to provide extra warmth. Drinking plenty of hot drinks throughout the day should help too!

You’re not alone in the struggle to keep warm this winter. There are many charities you can turn to for help, so don’t be shy about asking for assistance if you need it. Cafes with a warm, safe atmosphere and a free hot drink can provide the opportunity for those in need to find some solace or attend community groups for both company and warmth.


During the winter season, it’s important not to forget about other safety risks for the elderly. One of these costs lives every year. Falls are a much bigger risk in the winter months, particularly during an icy or snowy spell. If you’re not confident when it’s slippery outdoors, follow our top senior winter safety tips:

Staying healthy during winter

Especially during the autumn and winter months, it’s important to keep your immune system up as you are more susceptible to catching colds and other seasonal illnesses. Here’s a list of ways you can boost and support your immune system.

One of the most important pieces of winter advice for elderly people is to get your flu jab if eligible. Everyone aged 65 and over are entitled to receive a free flu vaccine each winter which aims at combating what’s thought to be the most prevalent illness during that time

Here are a few tips to remember for our cold weather advice for the elderly, including making sure you’re taking the right vitamins. For example, vitamin D can help to support bone health and we receive less of this nutrient naturally in the winter as our bodies are exposed to less sunlight, so you may want to consider taking a supplement.

It’s important to try to eat as healthily as possible. Eating hearty, filling, warming meals that contain plenty of nutrients will help boost your energy levels and keep you feeling good. If you’re the type of person that doesn’t prepare their own meals, tell a loved one what you need for a plan to continue staying healthy.

If you are suffering from any health-related issues during winter, do not hesitate to reach out to your GP. The cold and flu outbreaks affect everyone and can make it hard for us to fight off other diseases, such as pneumonia or even more serious illnesses. They can offer expert advice for winter. They’re the people best placed to provide health information for elderly citizens when it comes to winter.

For more advice on keeping safe and healthy during winter, please speak to Westwood Care group today. 

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Planning a hospital stay can be nerve-wracking, and unfortunately it’s all too easy to forget these vital aspects. Thankfully there are lots of places you can go for advice and assistance, such as support centres or advice centres in your local area.

For your peace of mind, here is a list of things that you may wish to consider before your hospital stay.

Letting people know

It is important for loved ones to know where you are. Leaving without telling them when you go into hospital might seem like a good idea at the time but, if they can’t get in contact with you, it will cause them added worry.

Let loved ones, neighbours and friends know where you are. They may want to help by checking in on you. Write down some important phone numbers so that you don’t have to search for them if need be.

Arranging support for a loved one

If you are a family or primary caretaker, then we can help you arrange support for them while you are away. You don’t want them to be on their own or without care during what can be an emotional time.

It can be difficult to have your family visiting you in hospital if you’re there for longer than a couple of days. You should think about arranging home care or your family coming to visit the hospital’

This will give the person you’re supporting more time to get familiar with the front-line staffer. And it will allow them to learn if there’s any routine that needs to be covered before you leave.

One of the most important aspects that you’ll need to consider is to make sure that your emergency contact knows who to call in case of an emergency and who can help them.

Arranging care for your pets

There is too much going on with your move for you to worry about taking care of your pet, so it might be best to find someone trustworthy who can sort out the responsibility for you instead.

Friends, family, or neighbors might be able to help you out. However, if they can’t then you could choose a boarding service like a kennel or cattery. Your vet will also be able to provide information about these services; for example whether all of the necessary vaccinations are up-to-date.

Many of these services have onsite veIf you have pets, then you will need to find someone else to take care of them when you’re away.can give you peace of mind, particularly if you have an elderly pet.

Garden care

If you have a houseplant that needs care while you’re hospitalized, consider getting someone to take care of it for you. Likewise with winter, you may need paths cleared of ice and leaves in Autumn.

Arrange for your home to be cleaned

It’s best to have someone clean your home before you move in, because you will likely be too sick or frail to do so. It will give you more time to recover from your time in hospital whilst also ensuring your home is kept sanitary and clear of clutter.

Arranging transport

It may be difficult for you to drive home from hospital depending on your situation. If you do happen to drive, it might be best if you left your car at home and organised alternative transport.

Before you go in for surgery and enter the hospital, find out if a hospital taxi will be there to drive you home after surgery. If not, it might be worth arranging to get a lift back with someone else beforehand.

Organising support for recovery

If you are recovering from an operation or other medical procedure and don’t know what to do, it is important that you consider support options like assistance from carers.

You might need some help showering and getting dressed, or little to no help cooking meals and cleaning. Any care that you receive while you’re recovering at home should lessen as time goes on and it’s safe for you to do more of these things yourself.

It’s key to have the right support when you’re recovering. For example, medical equipment and advice, social therapy and rehabilitation programmes can help you bounce back more quickly.

For more information on healthcare support, contact our team today.

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The cost of living crisis has hit home and is set to affect our most vulnerable hardest. This winter, we may be forced to choose between heating our homes and finding other methods to save money and make ends meet. Try not to worry too much, as there are some fundamental methods and staple practices you can carry out to help make the cold sting just a little bit less.


Keep your home warm this winter  

It is hard to live normally when your home is cold, and there is a significant risk of Hypothermia. This is significantly greater for the vulnerable, those at risk of injury or sickness, so it is vital to be safe and warm. There are several ways to make your home more energy efficient and retain more heat, so you spend less heating and keep it stable.

It would be best if you tried to keep your home heated to a minimum of 18 degrees Celsius. You can invest in an alarm to alert you if the temperature drops or set up your heating system to heat your home automatically. If you live alone, it can be more challenging to keep your home at a safe temperature as you have no one also to feel the cold and communicate when it is time to raise the temperature or notice if you are exhibiting symptoms of hyperthermia.

To help save on heating bills, close off the rooms you are not using and turn off radiators in those rooms. If you shut these doors, put a draft excluder or rolled-up towels at the bottom to prevent cold drafts from lowering room temperatures. This can also be applied to windows; keeping blinds closed prevents heat from escaping quickly. You can also tuck curtains into the back of radiators to prevent the radiator heating from going straight up and out of the window, forcing it more into the room.

It may be worth weatherproofing your home before the cold hits by using weather stripping or caulk to fill in gaps or cracks to keep cold air out. Cold air can quickly cause a chill and affect the overall ambient temperature of the room.

Be aware of Hypothermia

When your body temperature gets very low, it can cause Hypothermia. This causes many significant health problems and is more difficult to cope with and recover from if you are elderly or vulnerable. It can result in heart attacks, liver failure, kidney problems and more. Moving and eating regularly can help stave off the effects of Hypothermia.

Cold homes or being out in the cold for an extended period cause hypothermia. Ask family members to check in on you during the colder months and ensure to stay safe. Using space heaters may seem like a good idea at the time, but they consume a lot of energy, are expensive and are a fire hazard with a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Instead, take steps to insulate yourself and your home against the cold.

Outside in the cold, or even in a freezing house, can lead to Hypothermia. Please stay away from cold places, and pay attention to how cold it is where you are. You can take steps to lower your chance of getting Hypothermia.


Bundle up on cold days 

Another way to keep warm in your home and take the weight off your heating bill is to bundle up. Wearing layers will help you to stay warmer for longer and be less affected by the cold. Check the weather forecast to fully prepare for cold, bitter days, as a strong wind can quickly lower your body temperature. Try to stay inside, somewhere warm on those days, and if you go outside, be sure to wear warm clothes and stay dry.

Loose layers of clothing will help you stay warmer, as the air between the layers heats up and is more beneficial to keeping you warm than tight layers. Don’t forget hats and scarves for when you are outside. They help block the cold air from entering these warm air pockets between the layers. If you are sitting at home, put a blanket over your legs – you’ll be surprised at just how effective this can be for helping you keep your whole body at a comfortable temperature. Socks with slippers are also excellent for comfort and warmth, especially if you have hard flooring where the cold travels faster.

Do not let yourself sit in damp clothes if caught in the rain. Instead, change your clothes quickly into something warm and dry as soon as possible. If you think it will rain, ensure you carry a waterproof with you.

Additional helpful tips to keeping warm are to eat enough food to fuel your body and keep your weight up, and body fat helps us to stay warm. In the same vein, drinking less alcohol can also help you feel warmer, and alcohol increases body heat loss.

Finally, maintain layers for the pyjamas and use extra blankets when going to sleep. It is costly to keep the heating on high while you are sleeping, so put a freeze protection timer on your heating system, where it only heats up as you are due to wake up.

2022 is a dangerous winter for everyone, and we must look after our most vulnerable. After maybe one of the hottest summers in history for England and the sudden cost hike of heating, this winter could feel colder than ever.


Westwood Care Group is here to help during the winter

The colder weather can be challenging for those at a higher risk of getting injured or sick. Our professional care staff is here to provide the guidance necessary for your loved one to remain safe and healthy. Our team has what it takes to handle any situation while you focus on other essential aspects of your life.

Don’t hesitate to contact Westwood Care Group today for more information about our services. We would be happy to discuss your needs and can provide you with expert advice on specialist requirements.

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Tips for the elderly and vulnerable during extreme temperatures

With the UK expecting another heat wave this week, with temperatures reaching upwards of 30 degrees by the weekend, it is essential to be aware of your safety and know when to stay inside. The heat can be dangerous, even for the young and healthy. The heat can be downright deadly for children, adults and elderly alike who are struggling. This goes double for vulnerable people who have other health or lifestyle needs. This can matter a lot for older adults with pre-existing conditions, so measurements are necessary to avoid complications. The threshold for general well-being is lower than most people may think.


How can you help the elderly in the heat?

If you or someone you know suffers from certain medical conditions, they can be highly vulnerable to extreme weather. It’s not just the elderly we have to worry about either – even young people can find themselves in a wrong way if they’re not careful. Older people are much more sensitive to the effects of hot weather than other age groups. This is because our kidneys become less active as we age, and we struggle to know when we’re thirsty and so don’t stay hydrated. We hope you find these precautious useful for this summer, and hopefully, they are perfect for supporting your older and more vulnerable loved ones.


Stay alert for these health issues in the elderly 

The right way to assess whether an elderly adult is suffering from heat exhaustion or dehydration is critical, especially in summer. Here is some common symptoms of dehydration and heat exhaustion that older adults and vulnerable individuals may exhibit.



Westwood Care Group believes our best defence against dehydration is to prevent it and stay hydrated. Our nutrition and hydration services include meal preparation, and our care professionals are trained to assist in hydration needs when requested.


Many people regularly don’t drink enough water because they fear not getting to the toilet in time. This can be hard to address with people and is understandable if it’s your concern. Drink more and stay hydrated for your health. Encourage someone you know who might be concerned by this to speak to their health care provider who can help them manage it.


If you think someone is dehydrated, it’s essential to try and encourage them to drink fluids. Doctors recommend that adults drink six to eight glasses of water daily, but sometimes people refuse to admit they’re thirsty or won’t drink it on their own. When this happens, you’ll need to use some sneaky tactics to get people to hydrate again:



The above could be signs of severe dehydration that they need urgent treatment. If you spot any signs of dehydration or heat exhaustion, take them to a cool, shaded area and loosen tight clothing before offering plenty of fluids. Please encourage them to take a cold shower or dab themselves with a damp sponge in extreme cases.


If symptoms continue despite drinking lots of fluids, it might be time to get some help. NHS UK advises you to see a pharmacist for treatment before contacting a GP. The pharmacist can provide rehydration solutions to replenish the body’s lost fluids.


 If your symptoms do not improve within half an hour, you should call the doctor or NHS 111.


Westwood Care Group is here to help during the heatwave

The warmer weather can be challenging for those at a higher risk of getting injured or worse. Our professional care staff is here to provide the guidance necessary for your loved one to remain safe and healthy. In addition, our in-home care providers are here to provide care for seniors. They can help with various tasks and provide the training you need. So you don’t need to worry. Our team has what it takes to handle any situation while you focus on other essential aspects of your life. 


Don’t hesitate to contact Westwood Care Group today for more information about our services. We would be happy to discuss your needs and can provide you with expert advice on specialist requirements.


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Summer is well and truly here; with the UK anticipating several heatwaves over the next few weeks and months, it’s essential to be aware of safety concerns when it gets too hot. Everyone can struggle in the heat, children, adults and the elderly alike. But older adults and vulnerable people can be particularly susceptible to developing heat stroke or heat exhaustion and dehydration. Although these health conditions can affect any age group, for older adults, these health issues can cause various complications and can be fatal for certain individuals. So knowing a safe elderly temperature range is key to ensuring everyone stays healthy during summer. 


People aged over 75 are much more vulnerable in hot weather than other age groups. Due to the kidneys becoming less active as we age, older people struggle to know when they are thirsty and don’t stay as hydrated as needed. 


We’ve got some great tips that are an ideal way to help and support your elderly or vulnerable relative or friend during the warmer months. 


Helpful tips for staying well in hotter weather 


If you know someone who is elderly or suffers from a chronic medical condition, they can be highly vulnerable to extreme hot and cold weather. As we age, our bodies struggle to regulate temperatures effectively, causing potentially dangerous health issues. Here are some helpful and easy ways to ensure that they stay out of the heat and keep cool.



 How to spot heatwave health concerns in older adults? 


Being able to properly assess whether an elderly adult is suffering from heat exhaustion or dehydration is key. Especially during the summer months or a heatwave. Here are some typical symptoms that older adults or vulnerable individuals may demonstrate if they are suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion



If someone you are with shows signs of dehydration or heat exhaustion, take them somewhere cool and shaded and loosen tight clothing. Offer plenty of fluids and encourage them to take a cool shower or dab themselves with a damp sponge. If symptoms don’t alleviate after 30 minutes, you should call the GP or NHS 111.

Westwood Care Group is here to help

Keeping an eye on a vulnerable loved one can be challenging, especially during warmer weather. That’s why our expert care staff are on hand to provide the support and guidance you need to ensure your relative is safe and well. Our teams are available to provide expert training, home care and residential care to medically vulnerable and elderly individuals who require all levels of assistance and support. 

For more information on the services we provide, contact Westwood Care Group today and our team will be happy to discuss your needs and specialist requirements.

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Or email us at [email protected]



Here at Westwood Care Group, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest standard of homecare services to elderly and vulnerable people across Hull and East Yorkshire.

Our comprehensive offering brings complete peace of mind to our service users as well as their family members, friends and neighbours, as we’re dedicated to providing professional care with a personal touch.

If you’re new to homecare, you may be wondering how it works and what’s included. To shed some light on the topic and help you make an informed decision, in this blog we’re talking about the benefits of homecare and what it involves.


We visit you in your own home

Professional homecare is the perfect option for people who need a helping hand yet don’t want to move into a residential care home. The service enables you to remain in your beloved home and retain your independence, with our support workers carrying out specific tasks that you find difficult to manage.

Homecare is ideally suited to individuals with physical disabilities or who simply need some help with everyday household jobs such as cooking, cleaning, preparing medication and going out to buy groceries. Whatever you need assistance with, our support workers will take on the responsibility and ensure that everything is done on time, every time.


Homecare for people with dementia

Many of our service users have mild dementia, which means that they can still live in their own homes but require professional support. Studies have shown that remaining in familiar surroundings can prove beneficial, as simple things like wallpaper, furniture and decorations can calm a person with dementia and prevent them from becoming unnecessarily confused and frightened.

Our support workers are fully trained so that they can care for people with dementia with confidence and in the most appropriate way, making it a smooth and stress-free arrangement.


We deliver person-centred care

We’re committed to providing person-centred care that takes into consideration any particular needs and preferences of the individual service user. Aside from making our homecare highly customised and adaptable, this also means that our service users gain a friendly companion who they can chat with during regular visits.

Human interaction is incredibly important, especially for people who live alone and don’t go out as often as they used to. That’s why the service user is always the core focus of our one-to-one support, resulting in homecare that’s as beneficial to mental health and wellbeing as it is to the cleanliness and tidiness of the home itself.


Our services are wide-ranging

As part of your homecare visits, our support workers can carry out any and all of the following:


Book a homecare consultation

If you’re interested in the highest standard of affordably priced homecare in Hull and East Yorkshire, please call our friendly team on 01482 629506 or use our contact form.


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New rules requiring the display of calories on menus and food labels came into force. It was found that a quarter of an average person’s calorie intake comes from food eaten outside of groceries.

This summer, it will now be mandatory for large businesses to show calorie information on menus and food packaging. That includes restaurants, fast food outlets, cafes, pubs, supermarkets, home delivery services, and third-party apps. In addition, customers can find the calorie information for food and soft drinks on the signage at the point where customers are making their food and drink choices.

After a recent estimate found that being overweight or obese costs the UK £6 billion, the Council of the European Union has ruled on this topic. The new initiative is to help fund healthcare in European countries. Unfortunately, around two-thirds of adults in England are overweight or obese (63%), and 40% of children leave primary school overweight or obese. Countries across Europe could greatly benefit from the funds raised by this project, mainly because Obesity is a significant cause of cancer and other ailments.

According to Maggie Throup, the Secretary of State for Health: “We all must have access to the information we need to maintain a healthier weight. This starts with knowing how calorific our food is. We know this when shopping in the supermarket, but this isn’t the case when we eat out or get a takeaway.

“As part of our efforts to tackle disparities and level up the nation’s health, these measures are an important building block to making it as easy as possible for people to make healthier food choices.”

Eating out and takeaways have become a popular option for working professionals. However, the portions of food people eat are often twice as big, making these meals feel like less of a timesaver. Labelling for calories is also limited in restaurants, meaning customers may not know what they’re ordering.

Recent data shows that in 2019/20, there were over one million hospital admissions where Obesity was the primary or secondary cause, an increase of 17% on 2018/19 when there were 876,000 obesity-related admissions.

In a survey by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities on calorie reduction, 79% of respondents said they think menus should include the number of calories in food and drinks.

Bridget Turner, director of policy, campaigns and improvement at Diabetes UK, said: “Obesity is the single most significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes. There are an estimated 13.6 million people at increased risk of developing the condition in the UK.

“Tackling this health crisis is vital. The government’s commitment to making significant takeaway and restaurant chains calorie label the food they sell is a welcome move towards reducing the rising levels of Obesity in the UK.

“Diabetes UK campaigned strongly for these measures through our Food Upfront campaign. We hope these businesses will be in line with the food retail sector to give people clear calorie information for the food they buy, hopefully leading to improved menus and healthier options.”

The Department of Health and Social Care will enforce the legislation through local authorities, who will have to carry it out.

Officials have been encouraged to have conversations with those businesses that do not comply with the law first, allowing for a more positive outcome.

Those in violation of improvement notices are subject to punishment and fines. The most common penalty is a £2,500 penalty.

At Westwood, our carers take every care to provide well-balanced meals to all clients. To learn more about our services, check out our services here, or contact us to talk to a staff member.

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The Disability Confident Scheme is a support system for employers to make the most of the talents, skills, and personalities of disabled people you can bring into your workplace, regardless of their Disability.

Disability confident organisations play a leading role in changing perspectives, attitudes and thought processes for the better, valuing people for who they are and not their Disability. As a result, these organisations are changing the behaviour of staff, customers, and the norm in the recruitment process in their local community and business culture. As a result, they are painting a better picture for disabled workers and reaping the rewards for their hard work and generosity.

The scheme helps employers recruit and retain unique employees who are loyal and hard-working. They improve employee morale and commitment by demonstrating how they treat employees fairly and can tap into the broadest possible pool of talent by not ruling out candidates based on personal difficulties.

By treating employees fairly, customers and competitors can identify which employers are committed to equality in the workplace, which reflects positively in the media and can even decide when customers consider whom to give their trade.

The scheme has three levels designed to support employers on their Disability Confident journey, these are:

Whilst the scheme is voluntary, it is also free to make it more accessible to employers and help make that change. Your company can only benefit from joining a network of other like-minded companies across the UK who have already started their Disability and inclusion journey.

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The Age Positive campaign promotes the benefits of employing a mixed-age workforce on your team. The campaign is aimed at employers, who are encouraged to make diverse and correct decisions about recruitment, training and retention that does not discriminate against someone just because of their age.

Many people differ at the same age and are primarily affected by lifestyle, health, and outlook. Their wants and needs from that point on in their life, rather than how many birthdays they have had, everyone ages differently. However, many are still capable of excellent work and hold valuable skills that should be passed on, and many would consider retirement age.

The scheme also seeks to stop discrimination against young workers, whom employers may deem not old or experienced enough to carry out work for them effectively. However, an employer should consider a candidate’s personality, regardless of education or experience.

Age Positive uses publications, research, press, events, and award initiatives to get the message across and to help employers comply with legislation to outlaw age discrimination in employment.

The Age Positive campaign promotes the benefits of employing a mixed-age workforce that includes older and younger people. We encourage employers to make decisions about recruitment, training and retention that do not discriminate against someone because of their age. We use publications, research, press, events, and awards initiatives to get the message across and help employers comply with legislation to outlaw age discrimination in employment.

The Age Positive scheme has since been withdrawn in 2018, and the methodology remains to uphold a discrimination-free workplace for both older and younger workforce or prospective candidates.

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Having a home carer can make a huge difference in your life. A home carer will come into your home to care for you or a loved one and can increase the quality of life greatly, particularly if there is difficulty walking or getting around. Despite having someone come to your home to help you, the addition of a home carer can help you remain living independently in your own home. This kind of care is known as domiciliary care or home help.

A home carer can provide flexible care that works for the individual and can help in many ways such as housekeeping and personal support, these can help with independent living such as meal preparation and running errands. Carers have a duty of care to all the people they care for regardless of their living situation. A carers duties are both practical and emotional support, in order to enable their client to thrive in their home with the health conditions they have.

However, the duties of a carer are not just to help their clients in getting ready each day or going everyday tasks, it can involve simply spending time together, getting to know each other, joining each other for a tv show with a cup of tea or even attending a holiday together.

The number of conditions in which carers can help with is extensive and virtually non-exhaustive, ranging from dementia to cancer, ME and neurological conditions and long-term conditions or chronic illness. It does not matter the stage of your condition; we understand the condition and how you may be feeling and aim to help elevate this as best as possible. There are different levels of support available that can range from everyday tasks to providing transport to appointments or overnight stays and mental health support.

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As carers have a consistently close connection to the elderly and vulnerable, leading bodies like Carers UK is in constant contact with the government regarding their response to the coronavirus. We want to ensure that the needs of carers and our clients are fully considered and that our carers have the information they need to be provided to continue their work safely and effectively. As restrictions are easing across the UK, we need to know what support is available as carers, both for our own safety and the safety of those we care for, it is important to manage the risk posed by Coronavirus.

There are several steps we can take to protect those who are most vulnerable in this coming winter where both flu and coronavirus are paramount hazards. Despite the vaccination programme against covid 19, we must still take precautions when caring for the vulnerable. Carers will receive vaccinations to help protect their clients, and whilst this offers a very high rate of protection, measures must still be taken in precaution, such as continuing to wear a mask and washing hands regularly and maintaining distance when or where possible.

The government has passed the Coronavirus Act 2020. We have recognised that emergency measures are only to be utilised in times of emergency, however, we ensure that our carers feel safe, and their needs are met and delivered as far as possible. Local authorities in England have been given the power to make decisions on moving to emergency measures. If they do decide to activate these measures, they can reduce the duties under the Care Act 2014, and they must still carry out some form of assessment with carers and their prevention duties still exist.

We are in cooperation with authority bodies who are developing information for carers and what their rights mean and how we can be affected by this. As carers, we are represented to the government through authority bodies to share how unpaid carers can be better supported in any emergency measures, as well as supporting the rights of carers regarding their own safety during the Covid 19 pandemic. There is a call for better coverage of PPE and adequate support for social care so we as carers can cope with the additional pressures of coronavirus. Income has been called to be protected as at a time when the Government is needing families to step in to care when they can, financial support should be given to do so.

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Many people have heard of our company division Westwood Care and Support Services and may have even seen our fantastic home care staff out and about, but are less familiar with our respite care services in Hull and the surrounding areas. As well as home care services and shopping and domestic services, we operate residential homes.

Every carer providing support at our homes has completed a full induction and gained the Care Certificate to ensure our residents are safeguarded. Additionally, our homes are regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
Our homes provide around-the-clock short and long term respite care to suit the individual needs of our users.

Dales House

The first residential home we opened, Dales House, offers person-centred care services to adults aged 18+ with profound learning and physical disabilities. With a friendly atmosphere, Dales House caters to the complex needs of our residents with the following facilities:
• Indoor Lift
• Ceiling Tracking Hoists
• Change Tables
• Specialist Equipment
• Sensory Room
• Dining Room

Fossdale House

Fossdale specialises in short term respire and day care support to adults with complex needs, and learning and physical disabilities. The facilities here are to the same high standard as in Dales House, with communal areas like our games room and sensory room allowing us to provide excellent support services to our users.

In each of our homes, residents are encouraged to actively participate in meal preparation, gardening and social activities. We also promote residents making decisions about the decoration of their own rooms.
If you’d like to enquire about any of our residential homes, please contact us here.


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We would like to take an opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of our team members at both Westwood Care and Support Services & Westwood Care Group.

Right now, we are faced with an unprecedented situation that nobody could have expected or prepared for at the beginning of the year. The coronavirus outbreak has completely flipped the way we live our lives and it is something we’ve had to adapt to very quickly, but our fantastic carers have continued to go above and beyond providing home care services and respite care across Hull and East Yorkshire.

Our home carers are driven by helping service users live a fulfilling life in their own home, always ensuring they’re on hand to provide assistance whether it be personal care or shopping and domestic services. Having a helping hand is more vital now than ever during this pandemic and we’re really proud of our Team Westwood.

As well as providing home care services in Hull and East Yorkshire, we have dedicated staff working tirelessly at our residential care homes – Dales House and Fossdale House.

We’d like to assure you that we are doing everything possible to safely support our service users and staff. All of our staff are working in line with government advice, ensuring regular hand washing is completed and PPE is worn when dealing with personal care tasks.

We hope you all stay safe.


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Taking care of your body and mind is very important whilst staying safe at home, you might start to feel frustrated, bored, or lonely. So, keep on reading for some tips on how to keep on top of your mental well being and cope with how you may feel.

Stay connected with others

Keeping in touch and maintaining healthy relationships with people you trust is important for your mental wellbeing. Think about how you can stay in touch with friends and family while you are all staying at home, by phone, messaging, video calls or social media.

Do not stay glued to the news

Try to limit the time you send watching, reading or listening to coverage of the outbreak. To help you could set a specific time to read updates.

Take time to relax

Relaxing can help with difficult emotions and worries and improve our wellbeing. Relaxation tips can also help with feeling of anxiety.

Relaxation Tips

Think about your daily routine

Your life is going to change for a while, and you are more than likely going to see some disruption in your normal routine. Writing a plan for your day or week maybe helpful, if you are working from home, try and get up and ready in the same way as normal. Set new tasks such as a daily home workout and pick a time to do something that makes you happy.

Look after your sleep

Having a good night’s sleep makes a big difference to how you feel, so it’s important to get enough. Sticking to good sleep practices and regular sleeping patterns will help keep your moral high.

Keep your mind active

Find something that works for you. Keeping your mind active with reading, playing games, drawing and painting the longer it isn’t focusing on the negatives.


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We offer a variety of home care services from help with preparing and cooking meals to helping with the more personal care. Our personal assistants understand the need to be able to stay in your own home therefore all our care packages are tailored around each individual’s needs.

We know that balancing your own life and caring for someone else can be a difficult job so having a personal assistant, who will be able to help when you’re not there can be very beneficial for you and the service user. Our trained professionals will be able to assess safety risks and help make these less of a danger.

Food Preparation

Are your loved ones getting the right nutrition? We can help with preparing and cooking food for your loved one making sure they are staying healthy. This will help the service users gain independence and benefit from a freshly cooked meal.

GP and/or Hospital Appointments

We help our service users attend routine health appointments easily and on time. Our personal assistants can take them to anything from GP appointments to dental appointments. This can help with maintaining our individual’s independence.

Medication Administration

When caring for someone you might forget some of the smaller things like the right medication at the correct time. Our team of professionals can help provide support with the administration of medication using our Medication Record Chart, this will provide their families with piece of mind.

Night Sits

We have two different night care services one including a personal assistant who is on duty throughout the night who can come and provide care and support when needed. Our other service is a waking nights service which provides a personal assistant, who sleeps at the property and can be woken to offer care and support at any time.

Personal Care

Our personal assistants will be able to help with day-to-day activities including personal care. We offer a wide variety of personal care including bathing and personal hygiene. The assistance of these activities can help the service user keep their dignity by being in the comfort of their own homes. Helping with these in their own home we will be able to maintain the service user’s independence with top quality care.

Shopping & Domestic Services/Duties

Struggling to get to the shops? We provide shopping services to ensure all items are still in reach of our service users, they can stay at home or come along for a trip out. Our personal assistants are able to help with domesticated duties around the home with help from laundry and cleaning to doing the shopping.

Social Inclusion/Activities

We aim towards bringing our service users together with a wide variety of activities, which promotes social interactions. People of all ages will be able to benefit from our social inclusion service. You can participate in many activities including bingo, bowling, cinema, theatre, horse riding and many more.

We provide home care services all across Hull, if you would like to know more about what we offer contact us on 01482 629506.
