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We offer a wide variety of different training courses to ensure we provide top-quality elderly care and support services around Hull and East Yorkshire. We present all courses to our team members to certify they are comfortable & confident within their role.

Understand Your Role

This course develops an individual’s ability to work in any given situation. It highlights the importance of working relationships, importance of honesty and helps the individual understand their role and responsibility within the work place

Understand Your Role

Personal Development

This course helps the individual identify sources of support within their own learning environment. It focuses on explaining and describing numeracy & literacy skills and why they’re valuable, as well as understanding opportunities available to them and how they can use them to improve the way they work.

Personal Development

Duty of Care

This course will provide the individual with a thorough understanding of duty of care, whilst highlighting how & where to get additional support and advice in order to resolve such dilemmas.

Duty of Care

Equality and Diversity

This course explains how practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination. It also helps individuals to challenge discrimination in a way that encourages positive change, whilst providing information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion.

Equality and Diversity

Work in a person-centred way

This course describes to an individual how to put person-centred values into practice in their day-to-day work, whilst raising any concerns with a supervisor, manager or any other channels or systems e.g. team meetings.

Work in a person-centred way


This course describes how communication affects relationships at work and why it’s important to observe and be receptive to an individual’s reaction when communicating with them. It also lists a range of communication methods and styles that could help meet an individual’s needs.


Privacy and Dignity

This course highlights to an individual what is meant by privacy and dignity and how to maintain privacy and dignity within the work setting. It also provides ways to help individuals to make informed choices.

Privacy and Dignity

Fluids and Nutrition

This course describes the importance of food safety, including hygiene, in the preparation and handling food. It also highlights the importance of good nutrition and hydration in maintaining health and well-being.

Fluids and Nutrition

Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability

This course explains how these conditions may influence a person’s needs in relation to the care that they may require, as well as explaining how positive attitudes towards those with mental health conditions, dementia or learning disabilities will improve the care & support they receive.

Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability

Safeguarding Adults & Children

This course establishes the role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals, as well as explaining why an individual may be vulnerable to harm or abuse. It also demonstrates the importance of ensuring individuals are treated with dignity and respect when providing health care services.

Safeguarding Adults & Children

Health and Safety

This course identifies legislation relating to health and safety in a health or social care work setting. It also describes the main points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer.

Health and Safety

Handling Information

This course describes the agreed ways of working and legislation regarding the recording, storing and sharing of information. It explains why it is important to have secure systems for recording, storing and sharing information.

Handling Information

Infection Prevention and Control

This course describes the main ways an infection can get into the body as well as explaining how their own health or hygiene might pose a risk to the individuals they support or work with.

Infection Prevention and Control

End of Life Care

This course identifies the definitions and stages of end of life care and recognises the changes, signs and symptoms that you may observe when delivering end of life care. The individual will also discuss skills to manage difficult questions and situations.

End of Life Care

Moving and Handling

This course provides an overview of manual handling law and legislation, as well as ensuring the individual understands the value of risk assessments and how they apply to safe manual handling practice.

Moving and Handling

Working with Medication in Health & Social Care

This course allows the individual to understand the roles responsibilities and boundaries when working with medication, as well as understanding the principles of safe practice in the administration of medication.

Working with Medication in Health & Social Care


This course allows the individual to understand all necessary rulings in regard to GDPR. It also highlights storage limitations, data minimisation and other important elements involved in data protection.


Personal Care

This course teaches the individual how to deliver personal care in a dignified manner whilst educating the individual about the company policy and procedures around pressure care.

Personal Care

Stoma Care

This course identifies the different types of stoma, why they are formed and their normal function. It also allows the individual to recognise stoma abnormalities.

Stoma Care

Catheter Care

This course informs the individual about specific reasons a urinary catheter may be used, and the risks of urinary catheterisation. It also educates the individual on catheter equipment and what it’s like to live with a catheter.

Catheter Care

First Aid

This course educates the individual on the different roles of a first aider, how to deal with bleeding & burns as well as managing adult choking and resuscitation (CPR).

First Aid


This course provides a thorough understanding of epilepsy, what causes epilepsy as well as a risk assessment and how to support during a seizure.

